Monday, March 3, 2014

Snowmobiling and Snowshoeing With Canadian Wilderness Adventures

Our Great Adventure Club is based on two values: enjoy life, and love where you live. Our recent adventure with our friends at Canadian Wilderness Adventures could not have expressed that better if we tried.

This summer we were fortunate to be able to explore the Callaghan Valley (20 minutes outside Whistler) on ATV's with Canadian Wilderness Adventures. We had such a blast we knew we wanted to come back, so when they asked if we wanted to check out the valley when it was blanketed in snow our only question was 'how soon can we go??'

Some of our team (and contest winner Grace!) packed up our Vancouver, we love you shirts, warmest mittens, and toques and drove up to Whistler to experience the Canadian Wilderness Adventures Yukon Breakfast snowmobile and  Medicine Trail snowshoe tours.

View our full photo gallery here.

Photo by Josh Yong

The sun was barely out as we drove out to the Callaghan Valley, but we already knew we had bluebird conditions on our hands and a day full of adventures to experience. We were pumped.

Photo by Josh Yong

Our guide, Georgie, gave us a brief instructional on how to control our snowmobiles and we were off, sliding across the white blankets of snow and climbing our way through the forest, up the mountain side.

Photo by Josh Yong

We soon reached our breakfast spot, the Canadian Wilderness Adventures private cabin tucked away in the hills. Breakfast was already prepped and waiting, cooking over an old fashion wood stove. We enjoyed a cozy breakfast with one of the most incredible views we had ever seen.

Photo by Josh Yong

After breakfast we were off again, riding down to the frozen lake which was now completely covered in a thick layer of snow. Our group was let free to roam the area, a decision our guide probably regretted as one by one our gang quickly got our snowmobiles stuck in the fresh piles of powder around the lake. Sometimes we are too adventurous for our own good. We learnt a critical part of snowmobiling - how to get your vehicle unstuck. This involves a lot of digging, pushing, and pulling.

Photo by Josh Yong

Photo by Josh Yong
We arrived back at base camp, returned our snowmobiles, and then quickly made our way to our second location for the start of our Medicine Trail snowshoe tour. Canadian Wilderness Adventures hosts a variety of winter activites from two hubs, this second one being the home for their snowshoe and dog sledding tours.

Photo by Josh Yong

The sun was still shining bright so we tore off most of our layers, threw on our snowshoes, and followed our guide Jordan through the trees. A moderate trek with minimal incline, this is the perfect tour for beginners or individuals looking for a mellow nature walk.

Photo by Josh Yong

Jordan led us through the trees of the Medicine Trail, teaching us about the history of the area, ancient folklores, and the natural surroundings. We also stopped at the impressive Medicine Trail archway and listened to the history of the wooden totems that welcomed us.

Photo by Josh Yong

The snowshoe tour led us to another frozen lake where we stopped for some photos and to sample the healing tea that Jordan had brought for us, made entirely from plants grown along the trail. Upon our return to base camp we came across the dog sled tour that was in progress and were able to watch the dogs (and humans!) have a load of fun in the sunshine.

Photo by Josh Yong

The tours with Canadian Wilderness Adventures were magical. Our group left with a better appreciation not only of the sports and areas that we experienced, but simply life itself. Being able to take advantage of the beautiful natural surroundings, we all felt a hightened level of appreciation for the corner of the world we live in, and the opportunities to explore them.

Thanks to Josh Yong for capturing our day in photos.

Thanks again to our friends at Canadian Wilderness Adventures for creating experiences like ours for people, and for generally just being awesome individuals. To book your own tour or see the rest of their outdoor activities (dog sledding! chocolate fondue in a cabin!) click here and tell them you want the ultimate winter experience yourself.


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